Monthly Mewsfeed – Jun 2024

Top 5 To Dos are on vacation!
Mood Meter:

🤔️ Felix: Figuring out meds for the old man. It’s a process…
🤠️ Sneaky: Bug cowboy! Spiders? Flies? Wood lice? I investigate!
🤪️ Maryla: No time at all…

😒️ Count Dartula: Neglected…

0️⃣️ New Project Ideas!

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Monthly Mewsfeed – May 2024

Last Month
✅️ Fix ad layout on phone
✅️ Around the World: rules and options
✅️ Around The World: better board highlighting
✅️ Player stats
✅️ Update store entry

This Month
Probably busy 🙁
No promises this time.

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Monthly Mewsfeed – Apr 2024

Last Month
✅️ Ads consent implementation
✅️ Zoom into dart board on tap/hold
✅️ Code cleanup
✅️ Saving/loading games
✅️ Game mode: Around The World

This Month
➡️ Fix ad layout on phone
➡️ Around the World: rules and options
➡️ Around The World: better board highlighting
➡️ Player stats
➡️ Update store entry

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Monthly Mewsfeed – Mar 2024

Last Month
✅️ Update the Meowerlord logo
✅️ Meowerlord pictures
✅️+➡️ Count Dartula UI improvements
➡️ Count Dartula: more game modes
✅️ Get Ads running again

This Month
➡️ Ads consent implementation
➡️ Zoom into dart board on tap/hold
➡️ Code cleanup
➡️ Saving/loading games
➡️ Game mode: Around The World

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Monthly Mewsfeed – Feb 2024

Last Month
✅️ Create first version of Dart app
✅️ Sort out google dev account
✅️ Un-Fugly this website!
➡️ Update the Meowerlord logo
❌️ Port/update old game code for Godot 4

This Month
➡️ Update the Meowerlord logo
➡️ Meowerlord pictures
➡️ Count Dartula UI improvements
➡️ Count Dartula: more game modes
➡️ Get Ads running again

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Monthly Mewsfeed – Jan 2024

Last Month
✅️ Boring stuff
❌️ Being ill
✅️ Work trip
✅️ Playing around with a few games
✅️ Genuinely nothing of interest

This Month
➡️ Create first version of Dart app
➡️ Sort out google dev account
➡️ Un-Fugly this website!
➡️ Update the Meowerlord logo
➡️ Port/update old game code for Godot 4

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Posting Projects

Getting projects in front of people can be pretty difficult, especially for quiet lurkers with visually simple/boring projects – like me! And while I’m the opposite of great at marketing and spreading the word, I still want to share some personal experiences I made on different platforms.

Updates will be made after trying new things 🙂

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Fun With Fakes

Being listed in a public registry can be a funny thing – especially for professional lurkers who don’t usually interact with other humans. Suddenly, your company’s address and contact details are out there, and everyone and their scumbag cousin can see them! Scary? Yes! But also quite amusing sometimes. Here are a few reasons why:

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Beautiful FOSS Software

A gamedev has a bunch of different things to do, and the question of which software to use comes up a lot! So I thought I’d compile this little list of recommendations/reviews.

Most of the tools listed here are FOSS. Why? Because I love software and being allowed to fix/extend/review the sources, hate reading licenses, and want to support the amazing communities of people that create and maintain these tools! Not having to spend money is a big plus for a beginning game studio, too…

The list will be updated whenever something new comes up 🙂

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