Meet the Fluffballs!
They have been living with me for 10 years now! I don’t know their full history since we got them from a shelter when they were around 7, but we assume they are siblings. These are the oldest pictures that I can find, likely the first ones from their new home:

- Cuddliest boy
- Not the sharpest tool in the shed
- Hates taking pills, but needs them for snotty, snotty allergies
- Dangerous tripping hazard on stairs
- Warbles if unhappy (would not call it a “meow”)
- Weird fascination with water
- Nicknames:
- Snotgoblin
- Cuddleblob
- Captain Moist
- Curious
- Very smart
- Always where she is not expected
- Battle cry: “Wow” (would not call it a “meow” either)
- Obsessively sniffs everything, especially food
- Snores like a lumberjack
- Always looks grumpy/miserable in pictures
- Nicknames:
- Greed Orb
- Snorb (snoring orb)
- Sniffler
- Misery Loaf

The Silly Collection
Silly cats are the best cats. Let’s start with a double dose:

A variation on “Sibling Silly”: We have 2 of these cat beds, and wherever we put them, they always only like ONE. And Sneaky can’t leave Felix alone in it!

By the way, this is what happens to a couch after just one contact with the fluff:

On to them being goofy on their own!

Notable addition: All the things that are totally a cat bed!

Then we have encountered an amusing amount of doors in our years:

Comfy Meowerlords
There is something so cozy about a happy cat… even though the limb configurations are bizarre. Enjoy!

Pretty Little Showoffs
Sometimes they turn out more pretty than funny, so here we go 🙂

Meowerlords vs Human
They are both very cuddly and like to spend time with their humans.

When the humans are working, that is not appreciated so much…