Monthly Mewsfeed – Jul 2024

Another month, another short Mewsfeed!

Mood Meter

🥸️ Felix: I’m not there, you don’t see me. Believe me, I do not need those meds and you don’t need to look for me…
🤧️ Sneaky: I caught my brother’s germs now.
😑️ Maryla: Still no time or brain.

😴️ Count Dartula: Boring, nothing happens…

1️⃣️ New Project Ideas

Another game idea that can queue behind all the others. Automation/crafting this time!

Top 5 To Dos

Last Month

Nothing of note

This Month

Still busy!

Last Month

The only update is a really boring one: the Android API level seems to have moved up again, and the one Godot was targeting will soon be disallowed on the PlayStore. This is usually solved by updating the Godot version, which is… absolutely riveting, I bet. Unfortunately will have to take priority once I get around to anything, since the app will disappear from the PlayStore otherwise.

Next Month

I won’t be home for half of August and would be very surprised if anything worth mentioning happens. Let’s see which month will have the shortest/most boring Mewsfeed!

While the Meowerlords figure things out, enjoy the summer!