Whoops, this one is not only short, but also late! Welcome to August’s Mewsfeed!
Mood Meter
🤔️ Felix: Where is my 2nd human?
🤔️ Sneaky: Where is my 2nd human?
🤔️ Maryla: Where did my day go?
🤔️ Count Dartula: Am I even still relevant?
0️⃣️ New Project Ideas (yay!)
Top 5 To Dos
Last Month
Some investigation of the Godot update
This Month
2nd-to-last phase!
Last Month
As predicted last time: the change in required Android API level will need some updates to my Godot exporting system. This is the first time updating the version since I set it up, so I am hoping to find some more improvements to implement to make things go faster next time. I only did some investigation and didn’t have time to implement good solutions for a few remaining issues.
With that said, August has dodged the award for the shortest/most boring Mewsfeed since something happened at all, if you squint 🥳️
Next Month
Things are slowly starting to clear up, but are far from done. September will be busy again, but I hope it will start getting better towards the winter months. Some lazy potato time will be needed, so don’t hold your breath!
Also, the sun has had some amazing days ☀️ If it is friendly to you where you are, enjoy the late summer before autumn comes!