Monthly Mewsfeed – Jan 2025

Hello all, it is time for the first Mewsfeed of 2025!

Mood Meter

🥺️ Felix: It’s not my fault that my sister is annoying, let me in!
😼️ Sneaky: I will fart and mess things up and get myself and my brother kicked out of offices for it.
😷️ Maryla: May the Meowerlord’s farts have mercy on my nose…

🥺️ Count Dartula: It’s my turn now, right?

0️⃣️ New Project Ideas

Just looking forward to working on some old ideas this time, but I won’t let them distract me!

Top 5 To Dos

Last Month
✅️ Update the Godot version
✅️ Clean up release exports
✅️ Test/clean up new features on Android
✅️ Auto-run unit tests
✅️ Run Count Dartula V2 with new UI theme on Android

This Month
➡️ New Dart queue implementation
➡️ New player selection implementation
➡️ Port dart board to V2
➡️ Darty The Totally Helpful
➡️ Set up V2 Dart game modes

Last Month

Most things have been pretty smooth, nothing to complain about!

✅️ Update the Godot version

So far, so good! Everything seems to work and export fine.

✅️ Clean up release exports

Exports should now not contain any superfluous data, while tests and additional files can still be kept close.

✅️ Test/clean up new features on Android

The new development resolution works well and produces the intended results – without additional UI scaling 🙂

✅️ Auto-run unit tests

This took a bit longer than expected, but I now also get the test results shown to me on project load.

✅️ Run Count Dartula V2 with new UI theme on Android

The UI theme is set up and runs on Android, but it is more a starting point than a final version. I want to fine-tune a lot of things (colours, fonts, final icons, margins…) once the UI has been established a bit. I didn’t like all of the old UI, and my beloved title font won’t support the upcoming German translation, so things are still in motion at the minute.

✅️ Additional stuff

More little build system improvements, debugging conveniences and tests are done now, too. The biggest one is a script that will test an auto-merge of my game framework into forked projects – that was fun to do, let’s see how useful it turns out to be when more apps accumulate. I’m trying to be disciplined with small commits and early merges in the future.

Next Month

How do I even try and make this sound interesting…? Re-building stuff, but tidier! 🤓️

➡️ New Dart queue implementation

It’s a bit technical, but V1 had an implementation of a player queue that didn’t handle all edge cases super well. Especially undoing an action could lead to weird/buggy game states. I thought I could get away with it, but nope! This time, I intend to wrangle the queue into submission with the power of a re-design and unit tests, so that you can undo to your heart’s content!

➡️ New player selection implementation

In V1, the players were selected via the options screen. This was not only hard to find, but could also lead to unexpected (but working as intended) results when switching game modes after changing player names/number. I wanted to move this into the “New Game” screen ever since someone pointed out to me that this would make much more sense.

➡️ Port dart board to V2

About as riveting as it sounds, but I hope I can make the code a little bit more readable this time around 😬️

➡️ Darty The Totally Helpful

You will know what that is about once the new version is public 😁️

➡️ Set up V2 Dart game modes

V2 needs a cleanup of the base game implementation and some guinea pig game modes to verify that everything works without becoming a big ball of spaghetti code. Read this as a “let’s see how far I get” sort of task – I’ll report back on how it went!

Considering what a boring read this Mewsfeed is, I apologise in advance for any coming “I’m re-releasing something” type posts. Cheers to anyone who is still awake, you deserve a coffee! See you next month 😅️