Monthly Mewsfeed – Oct 2024

Welcome to the Mewsfeed of the spooky month! This one is going to be early because I’ll be out on the weekend.

Mood Meter

💊️ Felix: Meds aren’t so bad, are they?
💊️ Sneaky: Changed my mind about pills. No longer cooperating.
🧑‍⚕️️ Maryla: Mainly playing cat nurse and working… and some gaming!

😴️ Count Dartula: Still napping…

0️⃣️ New Project Ideas

Top 5 To Dos

Last Month

Los of cat meds…

This Month

Resting and finishing up!

Last Month

It hasn’t been long since the last Mewsfeed, and much of the time has been spent settling into our new life and giving our fluffy old folks a vet checkup. We got a lot of meds, including pills and ear drops for 2 semi-cooperative kitties. Today is the last day, and they seem really good! All fingers crossed that this was it, please 🥺️

Next Month

If everything goes well, the Top 5 To Dos can finally come back next time. For now, I have forgotten most of what was left to do, so some proper planning is needed soon! I hope to be a bit more detailed next time.

For now, enjoy Halloween if you are celebrating! 🎃️ The Meowerlords certainly will. No more ear drops is worthy of a big cat party!